Saturday, April 30, 2005

Lagoon Cove

After Squirrel Cove there are three rapids that we must transit near slack water. With these rapids often traveling faster than our boat speed and developing whirlpools and overfalls, it is prudent to figure out the best time to be there. Another concern is the "highway" traffic; tugs and tows going about their business. It took about 3 hours for us to arrive at the Yuculta Rapids (pronounced you-claw-tahs) only having to adjust our speed slightly on the way. Had it timed perfectly to get through Gillard and Dent at just the right stage of the current.
Our next stop was at Oleo's in Frederick Arm. This is a "quaint", rustic little floating restaurant where you can have a wonderful, tasty meal for two and stay at the dock overnight for $44 Canadian. We have stopped several times and have always enjoyed our visit with Ruth and Katrina. This time Leo was away, but we still had a great meal and visit.
Two more rapids of the lesser kind, Greene Point and Whirlpool were no problem. We stayed in Forward Harbor, Douglas Bay last night all by ourselves.
Today we tackled the notorious Johnstone Strait with a very unusual prediciton of light winds. We had our first rain, but enjoyed calm seas. Bob spotted our first bear of the trip as we went through Chatham Channel, a very intimidating looking narrow channel. After going through many times, it isn't at all intimidating - at least if you don't meet a tug with a load of logs.
Arrived at Lagoon Cove with Bill's friendly greeting on the radio. He remembers everyone's names, so you always feel especially welcomed. This is a fun stop where we meet and greet friends old and new. There is always a happy hour or potluck scheduled, and this time Jeanne invited us up to the house out of the cold.

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