Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Gen Set problems

Our gen set started steaming while at the dock in Elfin Cove. After checking the through hull, Bob found some mussel shells blocking the opening. After getting that cleaned out, the generator continued to steam and got worse. The dock experts determined that we needed a new impeller, and we didn't have one.
We traveled to Pelican to visit with friends, see a place we hadn't seen before and get plugged into power in order to keep our batteries charged and our freezer frozen. We had to take a spot that no one else wanted and we soon found at why. Wilth the wind blowing and no breakwater, we were soon having an uncomfortabe, bouncy ride. When another boat left at 4:30 the next morning, we quickly moved into their more desireable spot.
6-30 Back to Elfin Cove where nasty weather kept us at the dock an extra day. The big swells also kept most of the air traffic away.
On our way back to Hoonah, we almost ran over a group of humpback whales in Icy Strait. Actualy got so close after the engine was in neutral that we had to back away. We have video with these gentle giants right under our bow. They were bellowing like elephants in heat; pretty scary!
Back to Hoonah where we paid $50 for a month's moorage. That was much cheaper than the $19 daily rate. We even got the best spot in the harbor, the outside slip with great views and no bouncing in the will-protected harbor.
After having a lot of rainy weather, we were glad the sun came out for the 4th of July parade and all the Native village activities.
Rain or shine, Bob spent lots of time out in the dinghy fishing and catchng salmon. Finally got our impeller on the 9th. Jerry or Jericho came down and gave Bob a hand installing it and reassembling the gen set. These units are so compact that they have to be disassembled in order to fix even simple things like replacing an impeller.
We had a pot luck with Ernie and Aileen and his new friends on Telos. We were glad that bad weather had brought them back to Hoonah instead of down the outside to Sitkah as they had planned.
7-11 We left the dock ahead of DX and Telos, but they soon caught us and arrived in Tenakee at least an hour ahead of us. Found the docks clogged with seine boats. Lots of activity, lots of noise. We got to see the crew of Christian S, a seine boat out of Everett, again. Captain Ross even sent over a bottle of wine to us. In 2003 Bob had fixed his Nobeltec Software for him. Thats the electronic navigation software that recreational boaters as well as most fishermen use.

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