6-6-05 We traveled with Destiny in good weather to Roosevelt Harbor on Zarembo Island where we found a small, sturdy dock. We took the front face of the dock and Destiny rafted to us. The shallow water and a morning low tide had them concerned, so they moved off the dock to anchor out. The Nordic Lady came in later and rafted to us. The captain raises hazelnuts in Oregon and we were pleased to get a sample of his crop. Gail and I took a walk on shore while Nick and Bob went fishing in the dinghy.
The next day, we had to plan for current in Wrangell Narrows, a narrow passage that leads to Petersburg. We anchored in halibut fishing ground just to the west of the entrance while we waited for a favorable current. Bob caught only a crab, but Nick caught a nice chicken halibut, small but the best eating.
As we entered the Narrows a huge tug and container laden barge was just behind us. We decided that it would be better to let him go first rather than have him pass us in a narrow spot. We traversed the 21 mile passage without meeting or being passed by any other large vessels. Almost all north- and south-bound traffic uses this route; ferries, tugs, large yachts, but not cruise ships. There are over 60 navigational aids and are quite a sight at night, or so I've been told. We don't cruise at night! The green and red lights give it the nickname "Christmas Tree Lane."
We stayed in Petersburg in nice weather for 2 nights then moved on to Portage Bay where we tied to the forest service buoy and stayed 2 nights in rain.
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